Improve your physique in a modern, chic setting with advanced cardiovascular Technogym® equipment, assisted by certified personal trainers.
Location: Level 3, THE KARL LAGERFELD
Hours: 24 hours
Swim laps in a 25-metre, temperature-controlled swimming pool featuring Karl Lagerfeld's inspirations married to traditional oriental elements.
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Enjoy swimming in an outdoor pool with rock-chic style, bold mosaic décor and a gorgeous view of the resort's gardens and architecture.
* Closed from November to April
在定製的奢華空間中,時尚大師 Karl Lagerfeld 的摩登美學與典雅風範淋漓盡顯。透過落地玻璃窗,您更可飽覽路氹城的優美景致。
格調鮮明的寬敞客房充滿 Karl Lagerfeld 別樹一幟的創意巧思,展現其打破常規的設計哲學,裝潢佈置與窗外的恢宏景致完美交融,令人一見難忘。
套房品味超凡,蘊藏著潮流巨匠 Karl Lagerfeld 以創意思維演繹的奢華設計,彰顯出東方與歐洲韻味交融的高貴典雅。
一室的精緻布藝、優雅傢具及飾紋圖案,呈現 Karl Lagerfeld 與別不同的時尚觸覺,在寬敞的套房中建構出這位時尚大師的妙想世界。
套房裝潢氣派非凡、設施至臻完善,處處彰顯 Karl Lagerfeld 對品味的極致追求,體現出這位時尚大師的設計深度與美學廣度,堪稱典範之作。
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